NAPALM: The Crimson Crisis like other popular realtime war games Dune 2, C&C, Red Alert plays with two armies at war clashing in a battlefield. The aim is to destroy the other side's army using various types of military vehicles, soldiers and other attacking devices. It's even going to be better in two player for it can be played either through serial connection, modem, or Internet. They have created many advanced options to attack, defend, trick, and destroy the enemy. This means if you are losing a battle you can come back to win it, a feature which has been left out of many war games.
There are to be numerous units like vehicles, buildings and more which can be used in maps covering huge battlefield areas. There are various types of missions from destroying the enemy to more specifically planned missions. ClickBOOM are keeping many of the features under wraps until it's release but there are already high expectations but we won't know whether they are justified until it's release in the Summer.